We added two traditional PBX services in new MSS version: operator break-in and operator overstep. Please refer to service document for more details.
Both local-MSS and cloud-MSS have been upgraded for these services. The latest MSS version is V29 now.
Next local MSS version will be V30 and we will focus on refining media gateway functions. If you have any suggestions or requirements, please update us and we are very glad to discuss with you.
Today we upgrade cloud-MSS to new version to support offline-IM feature.
In a unified communication environment, it is very common for users to send or receive offline instant messages, specially some customers use cloud-MSS as their internal communication tool.
With this new version, cloud-MSS can support IM as following:
(1) If called party is online, Cloud-MSS will send IM to it immediately.
(2) If called party is offline, Cloud-MSS will save its offline IM. Clou-MSS can store no more than total 10 offline-IM for each local user. Each IM should be less than 200 characters.
(3) If called party is back to online again, Cloud-MSS will send its offline-IM to it automatically.
You don’t need configure anything for this feature, it is so easy to setup a UC system for your business now. Why not take a try? 🙂
If you have tried miniSipServer on Windows platform, you can find it is so easy to configure or manage a IP-PBX because miniSipServer provides a perfect GUI interface.
You can find it is very easy to do that on Ubuntu/Linux because miniSipServer can support GUI interface on Ubuntu/Linux now! WINE is unnecessary now!
Please visit our download page to download miniSipServer .deb packages according to your requirements:
After you download .deb file from our website, please click (or double-click) it to install MSS. No more actions! So easy, so funny.
After you finish your install, you will find miniSipServer at “Applications / Internet” group.
Following figure is a screenshot of MSS running on Kubuntu:
MSS main windows on Kubuntu
In another way, if you just want to run a command line sip server, you can also go to directory “/opt/sipserver” and find “msscli” which is a command-line miniSipServer and has the same core with GUI-miniSipServer. You can manage and configure it through web interface.
We upgrade cloud-miniSipServer to support “Dial plan” features. Customers can use these features to control the calls very flexibly. When you sign in your account, you will get “Dial plan” features in command list at the left side .
And the trial duration of each call for trial accounts has been upgraded from 30 seconds to 60 seconds according to most customers’ requirements.